- 3D Visuals
This banging EDM duo of Italian heritage roams the world playing on the biggest EDM stages and we’re right behind them on the LED screens. We’ve created a visualpack to match their banging tunes.
Project details
Enormous sci-fi structures pound to the rhythm of the beat, large sculptures light up to the harmony
of the synths. It’s like the Michael Bay Transformers movie was a EDM musical.
We took inspiration from various Blockbuster movies to match the look and feel with our concept.
After replicating this action packed stylization we glance at commonly used shapes in various EDM
stages and integrating similar compositions in our visuals. This way anywhere they would perform
the visuals will smoothly blend into the LED setup.
What We Delivered
Over the span of a year we’ve worked together with Alessandro and Andrea Vinai to create a montly
pack of visuals that we could evaluate together and adjust to their likings, resulting in a full show of
carefully perfected visuals.